Thursday, July 31, 2008

Stay little

I loved when my babies would fall asleep on me. It was my favorite part when they were teeny tiny. Luckily Caitlyn is still young enough that she randomly takes naps. I certainly mean random. If she's tired, she will lay or sit where ever she can and pass out. It's so cute. I'm addicted to taking pictures of her in her random sleeping spots. My favorite of course is when she falls asleep on me. Yes she still does it. I can't help it she's my baby.
Here she is from today. We swam in the pool for a little bit and we snuggled up on the couch afterwards. Next thing I know, she was asleep.
Just for laughs I'll share a few of the other pictures I have of her sleeping on me.
This one was a few weeks ago. We were getting ready to leave the house and I was brushing her hair. She fell asleep while I was brushing her hair. And yes she was standing up at the time. :)
This one is from a month or so ago. We were on the floor watching cartoons, she laid in my lap and fell asleep as I rubbed her back. I let her stay there till I couldn't feel my legs anymore.
This one is from a year ago. Not quite a funny one, but still a great moment to share.


Jenna said...

Those are wonderful photos Jessica! She is such a little cutie! I love how kids will just fall asleep in the weirdest positions!

Anonymous said...

aw! i miss those days too....

and the last picture is so sweet!

Shalane said...

How sweet!